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Read Out The Tips Of Best Dentist In Pune To Reduce Your Teeth Cavities Naturally!

Teeth are very essential because through these, we chew our food. Without teeth, our fooding habits could get changed altogether and this may also lead to poor nutrition which could cause debility and diseases. Thus the consequences of loosing teeth could be potentially very bad! Therefore we find increased awareness about teeth care and have also developed finest products towards effective oral care so that problems like cavities, infections and such others could be averted. Tooth decay and cavities are often found linked to bad eating habits as also improper lifestyle, particularly the poor oral cleaning practices. Teeth cavities are developed due to excess activity of bacteria in our mouth and thus by controlling their action and multiplication, we can help avoid the cavities and associated problems. Best dentist in Pune and other cities of India recommend various natural measures and habits that help fight off the cavities. Here are seven most important tips to reduce dental cavities naturally.

1. Proper cleaning habits!

Keeping your teeth and mouth well cleaned is must condition to prevent cavities. Brush atleast twice to ensure that the bacteria build up is controlled in mouth and teeth. Excess bacteria would produce more acids (by feeding on available sugars, starch and carbohydrates) and this acid destroys the enamel.

2. Avoid sugary foods especially those with refined sugars

Sugar is integral to fooding habits & we cannot cut it down completely. However, we need to avoid the refined sugars because these are more likely to develop plaque in which bacteria easily thrive. After eating foods rich in sugar, it is good to clean mouth through water so that excess sugars are flushed down from mouth and not available as food for the bacteria to thrive. Best dentist in Pune recommends avoiding the sticky foods that are rich in sugars and starches so that bacteria build up is controlled.

3. Avoid carbonated beverages and acidic foods

Carbonated drinks are acidic and eat up the enamel if person is in habit of taking them regularly. Even natural citrus drinks leach out the enamel from teeth gradually and help in the development of cavities.

4. Ensure nutritious foods

Maintain a healthy and nutritious diet which is rich in vitamins, especially Vitamin A, D, K, and E and other minerals so that teeth remain healthy and are able to fight off bacterial action.

5. Drink plenty of water

Drink ample amount of water so that saliva production is not hampered. Less of saliva in mouth results in inefficient flushing of the bacteria down from the oral cavity and the left over food particles are also not removed. Best dentist in Pune and around the world recommend plenty of water for good oral hygiene.

6. Take foods that break down plaque

Certain foods like apple, cheese, dry fruits and nuts and fiber rich foods help breakdown the plaque. These foods could be taken regularly to reduce the excess plaque development.

7. Xylitol

Xylitol is a natural sweetener that is helpful in curbing growth of bacteria in mouth. Xylitol toothpaste and wipes are also available in market. Post wisdom tooth surgery Pune dentists recommend Xylitol toothpaste so as to control bacteria development and thus prevent infections.

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Dr. Nitin Oswal

Dr Nitin Oswal completed his B.D.S from Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College & Hospital, Pune in 2003 & M.D.S in the field of Oral & Maxillofacial surgery from Dr Dy Patil Dental College & Hospital, Pune ( Pune University) in 2008. He has a practice restricted to Oral & Maxillofacial surgery and is a consultant at Sahyadri hospital , Inamdar hospital & Ranka hospital.
Dr. Nitin Oswal
Dr. Nitin Oswal
Dr Nitin Oswal completed his B.D.S from Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College & Hospital, Pune in 2003 & M.D.S in the field of Oral & Maxillofacial surgery from Dr Dy Patil Dental College & Hospital, Pune ( Pune University) in 2008. He has a practice restricted to Oral & Maxillofacial surgery and is a consultant at Sahyadri hospital , Inamdar hospital & Ranka hospital.
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