Dental care is multi dimensional and in order to maintain optimized oral hygiene and healthy teeth, an individual needs to incorporate many good practices in routine life. Studies have found that most people even fail when it comes to proper brushing; despite the fact that we all are taught the steps in childhood itself. Therefore there is an urgent need to create awareness, especially in wake of changed food choices and habits. However, when it comes to pregnancy, then the dental care becomes all the more important and experts have put up reasons for this. During pregnancy, the hormonal profiles change significantly and this increases the risk of many teeth conditions and problems including an increased chance of tooth loss! Some essential hygiene tips are also necessary to have adhered if the transmission of infections to the fetus and new born is to be avoided. Dentists even opine that the lady should start taking precautions even before the onset of pregnancy! Here are some vital tips and counsels in this regard.
Dental examination at a trusted dental clinic
After getting pregnant, fix your first appointment at the earliest with your dentist whom you trust. This is important because a complete dental examination will help identify the existing risk factors in terms of compromised oral hygiene or other condition. The dentist also offers the requisite dental and oral hygiene tips and counsels against the things that need to be avoided. Some foods can also increase leaching of calcium in the teeth or destroy the enamel that will weaken the teeth.
Better dental care and oral hygiene needs to be ensured by the lady
The pregnant lady needs to be more vigilant regarding the dental and oral care because the hormonal changes taking place in her body generates inherent nutrient weaknesses thus making teeth and gums vulnerable to various conditions. The rule of brushing two times a day should be strictly adhered to by the lady while flossing should also be done. Avoid the foods that create and help build up plaque in the mouth cavity as this will increase the germ build up there.
Look out for bleeding gums problem during pregnancy
A pregnant lady should be cautious for any signs of bleeding gums or damage to the gums line, in which case gingivitis could also develop. The biochemistries in the pregnant lady undergo changes and gums are affected. Tooth loss can occur during pregnancy if you have any weak teeth prior to pregnancy! Bleeding could be among the first signs and hence should never be ignored. Reach out to your dentist if you find such signs and symptoms.
Routine dental checkup is must!
Even if you do not experience any specific problem with your teeth during pregnancy and have adopted good oral and dental hygiene routines, regularly visiting a dentist is desirable! The experienced dentist is expert at finding the signs and symptoms even before these emerge. While X ray diagnosis is generally avoided during pregnancy, other techniques could be used by a dentist to find any potential problems.
With these tips, your pregnancy would be a fine experience without any dental issues!
Dr. Nitin Oswal
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